2024 Catch up

Hello creatives. It has been far too long since my last update. 2024 was/is a blur! Upon returning from Crochet Fashion Week New York (Aug2023), I immediately set to work for the CFW Nashville (Mar2024) and Foundations Revealed Competition (Feb 2024).

I almost literally locked myself in my studio and crocheted night & day. The challenge of creating a design line for a fashion show AND an entry for a fashion competition is daunting, stimulating, frustrating, exhilarating and REWARDING.

After 2 years of staring at a 1935 photo, the Dilkusha gown is a reality! I’ll be doing a separate post about that process.

The entry for Foundations Revealed was challenging as I intend to step up an represent the fibre community in the world of fashion. Vintage design combined with modern materials stretched my brain power.

As soon as I returned from Nashville, I started hooking another vintage piece, the Schiaparelli Ribbon Dress OR-13, 1954? I was going to attend a museum gala and needed a new dress. So, why not go vintage? Heads turned. Everyone was amazed that I had crocheted a dress with organza ribbon. Success!!

So now what? What creations are on the hook for remainder of 2024? Stay tuned. I will try to do much better at posting updates.


oops I did it again
