Quick Update

Hello traveler,

It has been too long since I reported in.

My fingers have been busy with new creations and completing older ones.

I’ve been hopping about the mid 20th century, searching for NOC/New Old Content to recreate for the Fall/Winter seasons. I’ve created 2 outerwear pieces, the Harlequin Coat/Cardigan (1970) and Single Breasted Cape (1973).

For fun, I also created a lovely lace gilet/dicky (1945) that would beautifully compliment any ladies business suiting.

Photos and descriptions will be forthcoming. I promise.

Currently I’ve traveled back to 1850, and chosen a spectacular crocheted summer bonnet to create. I must say, it has been challenging. Just when I “thought” I had the pattern understood, I discovered that I had, in fact, very incorrectly hooked 4 rows. Thus FROGGING almost to the beginning. As I recently told another creator, The secret to working antique patterns is to DO what is written, NOT what you THINK is written. When working an 1850’s pattern, THINK 1850, NOT 2021!! Clearly I didn’t follow my own rules. Lesson Learned, AGAIN.

Future Projects:

1861/62 Zouave Jacket, La Mode Illustree (1861)/ Godey’s Ladies Journal (1862)

1880 Casaque Sans Manches (Sleeveless Cardigan), La Mode Illustree, tunisian crochet


The Emporium is NOW OPEN


Throwback Thursday: The Roller collection